Doing a Keyword Search

When you select a record type in the Object box and an access point in the Search by box, Keyword search appears in the Type list if available for this combination of record type and access point.

For some types of records, keyword searching is available because the selected Search by access point actually searches in linked records. For example, when you search by Title for a line item in a selection list, purchase order, or invoice, Keyword search appears in the Type box because the system searches for the line item by the title in the linked bibliographic record.

Keyword searching is available for the following types of records (depending on the selection in the Search by box):

See also:

Automatic Suggestions in Keyword or Phrase Searching

If your library system has the Cataloging parameter Auto-suggest feature enabled set to Yes, a list of suggestions appears as you type if you are doing a keyword or phrase search for a record by an access point that is keyword-indexed. Automatic suggestions do not appear if you are searching a remote database. See Managing Auto-Search Suggestions.

You can turn automatic suggestions off by selecting Hide Suggestions at the bottom of the list of suggestions. To turn them back on, click autosugback.gif in the For box.

Automatic suggestions for patron records

When you do a keyword or phrase search for a patron record using any of the following access points, a list of suggestions appears automatically as you type:

Automatic suggestions for bibliographic or item records

When you do a keyword or phrase search for a bibliographic record or item record using any of the following access points, a list of suggestions appears automatically as you type:

Automatic suggestions for authority records

When you do a keyword or phrase search for an authority record using any of the following access points, a list of suggestions appears automatically as you type: