Write a Power Search Query

To do a complex, precise search by writing a query in Common Command Language (CCL):

Search expressions are not case-sensitive. That is, you can use uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or a combination of both. They do not affect the results.

To delete all the information in the Power Search Criteria box, click Clear. To start a new search with a basic search expression, click New Search.

  1. To create a basic query first, select a record type in the Object box and enter the search criteria in the Search by, Type, and For boxes on the Find Tool - General tabbed page. See Doing a Basic Search.
  2. Click Power. The General page displays a Power Search Criteria box. If you created a query in the previous step, the query appears in the Power Search Criteria box.

You must write your power search queries precisely. This means you may need to edit search expressions that are carried over to the Power Search Criteria box. For example, to find the works of all authors with names beginning with Shake, type AU=shake* in the Power Search Criteria box. If you type AU=shake, only the works of authors named Shake are found.

  1. Input additional criteria or edit existing criteria in the Power Search Criteria box, using CCL syntax.
  2. Click Search to begin searching. The results list appears.