Defining Patron Statistical Class Codes

Patron statistical codes are useful for demographic or other reports an organization may require. They should not duplicate patron codes, but you can use them to make finer distinctions in patron code categories. For example, statistical codes might be defined for district residence, course major, or society membership. Unlike patron codes, statistical codes do not affect circulation limits or fine calculations. They are used for reporting purposes, and you can limit Find Tool searches for patron records by statistical class (code). The patron statistical codes are displayed for selection in the Statistical class box on the Patron Registration workform- General view.

You define the available statistical codes in the Patron Statistical Class Codes policy table. This table can be opened on an organization workform or with the Administration Explorer. Statistical codes can be defined from the system, library, and branch levels. If a branch needs statistical reporting, you must specify statistical codes for that branch. They are not inherited from a parent organization.

When you open this table at the system level, you can view, add, and change entries for any branch. At the library level, you can view, add, and change entries for any branch that is part of the library. At the branch level, you can view, add, and change entries for the selected branch.

These System Administration permissions are required to work with this table: Access administration: Allow, Access tables: Allow, Modify patron statistical class codes table: Allow.