Edit Holds Routing Tables

If you use primary and secondary routing sequences, you edit the Holds Routing Sequences Primary and Holds Routing Sequences Secondary tables separately; however, the basic procedure is the same for both tables.


Although it is possible to add the same branch to both the Holds Routing Sequences Primary and Holds Routing Sequences Secondary tables, this might result in the same branch being polled in both RTF Requests-To-Fill or RTF processing sends hold requests to designated libraries in a specified order. A library chooses to fill or deny the request. The request is routed until it is filled, it expires, or every library denies it. cycles. Secondary routing groups handle RTF routing in “only if not in the primary group” situations, so adding the same branch to both tables would defeat this purpose.

To edit the holds routing policy tables:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Policy Tables folder for the organization, and select Holds Routing Sequences Primary or Holds Routing Sequences Secondary.


To better manage memory, a program-defined row limit determines whether these tables can be opened at a specific organizational level. For example, if the table is opened at the system level and would require more than the limit (comprising entries from all branches) to be loaded, you will see a message advising you to open the table at a lower organizational level.

The Hold Routing Sequences table is displayed in the details view.


  1. Click btnInsert.gif to display the Insert Holds Routing Sequences dialog box.


  1. In the Requester Branch list, select the branch to which the holds routing entry is being assigned.


If the Holds Routing Sequences table is opened at the branch level, only the branch name is displayed in the Requester Branch list.

  1. In the Responder Branch list, select the branch to which you want to send hold requests.


If all the branches in the system are already in the table, the Responder Branch box is unavailable, because you cannot add a duplicate entry to the table.

You can add any or all branches as responder branches. If you do not exchange requested materials with one or more branches in the system, do not add these branches to the table. A responder branch may be included in the Holds Routing Sequences table for one library, but not another. For example, Branch A may include Branches C and D as responder branches, but not Branch B. However, Branch B may include Branches A, C, and D.


When defining the routing cycles for your branch (you are the requester) your branch will normally be the first branch in the sequence. This insures that requests always come to you first. Omitting a branch from the sequence means that this branch will never fill hold requests, a branch that is a processing center is an example of this. However, if you use both a primary and a secondary routing group, add your branch to only one cycle. It is not necessary to include a branch in both cycles.

  1. In the Days at branch box, type the number of days a request should stay on the RTF list for the responder branch when the branch does not fill or deny the request.
  2. Click OK on the dialog box. The Holds Routing Sequences table appears with the new requester branch/responder branch entry. The status bar indicates that the modification is pending.
  3. To position the responder branch in the holds routing sequence, select the responder branch, and click the arrow buttons:

    • Click to move the branch earlier in the sequence.
    • Click to move the branch later in the sequence.


Each requester branch should put itself as a responder branch in the first position (Sequence of 1).

The value in the Sequence column changes as you reposition the entry.

  1. Select File > Save to save your changes. The status bar indicates that the record is saved.
  2. Set the Request parameter Holds options, if you have not already done so.

Several Holds options settings affect the RTF cycle.

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