Send e-mail special announcements

Most e-mail notices are run automatically by the SQL Server job Notice Processing. However, you can send special announcements manually.

A separate SQL job, Hold Notice Processing, processes e-mail and text message (SMS) first and second hold notices separately. See Hold Notice Processing for E-Mail and Text Message Notices.

To send special announcements by e-mail:

  1. Be sure that e-mail prerequisites have been set up. See Set up e-mail notification prerequisites.
  2. On the Polaris database server, double-click the desktop shortcut to
     /Program Files/Polaris/[version]/Bin/PolEmailManager.exe. The Polaris E-mail Manager dialog box appears.
  3. Type a topic for the message in the Subject box (1,000 characters maximum).

Particularly for longer messages, you may want to create the message text in a word processor, spell-check the text, and save it as a text file. Then copy and paste the message into the Polaris Email Manager.

  1. Type the announcement text in the Message box. (You may want to add “Please do not reply to this message.”) The maximum message size is 64 KB.
  2. Click Send to send the message. The special announcement is sent to all patrons with a valid e-mail address.
  3. Click Close to exit the Polaris E-mail Manager dialog box.