Understanding the Shelving Status Period
The following sections explain how Polaris calculates the shelving status period and then applies and removes the shelving status after an item is checked in:
Shelving Status Period and Library Open Hours
The shelving status period is calculated based on the hours the library is open. For example, if the shelving status period is set to 48 hours, the shelving status remains in effect for 48 open hours after the item is checked in (not 48 continuous hours). Set the shelving period based solely on the average time it takes to shelve items; program calculations will take into account the library’s schedule.
Days closed (hours of operation) and dates closed are taken into account. For proper calculation, be sure hours of operation are set up for your branch.
The shelving status period is recalculated when items are checked in close to the library's closing time:
If the period is less than 24 hours, and the item is checked in less than three hours before closing time, the shelving status expiration time is recalculated.
The shelving status period is six hours. The item is checked in one hour before the library closes. The shelving status period begins at opening time on the next open day and lasts for six hours. -
If the period is less than 24 hours, and the item is checked in three hours or more before closing time, the shelving status expiration time is not recalculated.
The shelving status period is six hours. The item is checked in five hours before the library closes. The shelving status period is applied using the five hours today and one hour tomorrow.
Shelving Status and the Item Shelving Status SQL Job
The Item Shelving Status SQL job checks for items with a status of Shelving and updates the status to In once the shelving status period has elapsed.
The job runs at an interval that is determined by the settings configured on the Shelving Status Options dialog box. The job runs at an interval that is half as long as the shortest shelving period configured (for any branch or material type). For example, if the shortest shelving period is eight hours, the Item Shelving Status job runs every four hours.
- Since the Item Shelving Status job runs at defined intervals, an item's status could change from Shelving to In at a time that does not match the shelving status period to the minute.
- Running the Item Shelving Status job uses system resources. Be sure to set realistic shelving status periods -- 12 hours rather than 12 minutes -- when you configure shelving status options. Setting periods less than nine minutes can adversely affect circulation workflows.
For more information about the Item Shelving Status job,