Setting Fine Amounts

Fine amounts are set based on the patron code of the person being charged and the fine code assigned to the item. You can specify a different fine amount for each combination of patron code and fine code, as well as a maximum fine and a grace period for each combination (see Grace Periods).

Since fine amounts are defined using patron codes, fine codes, and loan periods, you must set up the Patron Codes, Fine Codes, and Loan Periods policy tables before you can define fine amounts. See: Defining Patron Codes, Defining Loan Period Durations, and Setting Fine Codes.

Fine amounts are set with entries in the Fines policy table, which can be displayed on an organization workform or with the Administration Explorer. Fines can be set from the system, library, and branch levels. However, entries are assigned to specific branches, and you specify fines for each branch in Polaris. You specify which branch’s entries in this table are used in fine calculation with the system-level Patron Services parameter Consortium Circulation. See: Defining Fines and Fees.

When you open the table at the system level, you can view, add, or change entries for any branch. At the library level, you can view, add, or change entries for the branches associated with the library. At the branch level, you can view, add, or change entries for the selected branch. You cannot delete fine entries in Polaris Administration. The system administrator can change the Fines table using the Query Analyzer in SQL Server.

These System Administration permissions are required to modify this table: Access administration: Allow, Access tables: Allow, Modify fines table: Allow.

See also: Add a fine amount