Defining Fee Descriptions
Fees are charges that are unrelated to overdue fines. The Fee Descriptions policy table defines and standardizes fee descriptions. Entries in this policy table display as selections on workform views and dialog boxes where you deal with patron charges, such as the Reason list from which you can select a fee reason when adding a charge to a patron's account.
The Fee Descriptions policy table can be displayed only with the Administration Explorer. All organizations in a Polaris installation must agree on the fee descriptions. You can add and change entries in the Fee Descriptions policy table, but you cannot delete them.
Fee descriptions are created at the system and library levels, but the entries are assigned to the system. At the branch level, you can set which reasons are displayed to branch staff for selection and edit the description display text. You can also determine the order of the selections displayed. Some libraries prefer alphabetical order; others prefer to put the most commonly used selections first.
These System Administration permissions are required to modify this table:Access administration: Allow, Access tables: Allow, Modify fee descriptions table: Allow.
See also: