Edit an ILL request

You may want to make changes to an interlibrary loan request. For example, a patron may ask to pick up the requested item at another branch, or you may want to add a note to the request. The status of the request determines which fields can be edited.

To edit an interlibrary loan request:

  1. Display the ILL request from one of the following locations:

You can also view ILL requests for a specific patron in the ILL requests list on the Patron Status workform - Requests view.

  1. Right-click the ILL request, and select Edit from the context menu.

The ILL Request dialog box appears.

  1. Click one or more of the following tabs to display the information you want to change:
    • Click the General tab to display request status, patron, and delivery information.
    • Click the Request tab to display bibliographic information.
    • Click the Notes tab to display staff notes.
  2. Edit the information, and click OK to submit your changes.

The ILL Requests view appears.