Delete interlibrary loan requests

You can delete Inactive, Cancelled, or Returned ILL requests at any time, as long as the item status is In. When a request is deleted, the request, as well as the attached temporary ILL bibliographic record and item record (for returned requests), is removed from the database.

To delete one or more interlibrary loan requests:

If you delete a request after it goes to OCLC but before it is filled by a lending library, you must notify OCLC that you no longer want the item.

  1. Display the ILL requests you want to delete on the Request Manager workform - ILL Requests view. See Display ILL requests in the Requests Manager.

You can also view ILL requests for a specific patron in the ILL requests list on the Patron Status workform - Requests view.

  1. Select the ILL request line items to be deleted.
  2. Right-click and select Delete from the context menu.

The ILL requests and any associated temporary bibliographic and item records are deleted from the database.

Polaris Administration settings control whether the bibliographic and item records are immediately purged from the database.

Related Information

ILL bibliographic and item records - See Receiving Interlibrary Loans.