Sending Course Reserve Notices

You can send an email or print notice to primary and alternate course instructors, summarizing circulation statistics for their course reserve materials at the end of each semester. The notice also provides a way for instructors to respond and indicate items to be removed or added.

Notice Content

The notice reports all or selected active courses for a branch. (The report content is the same as the Circulation report Reserves Statistics by Course.) Both the report and the notice deal with active courses only, and contain circulation statistics for reserve items with a reserve status of On Reserve or Permanent Reserve. (They do not include reserve item records with a status of Not Reserved.) If an item is on reserve for more than one course, the statistics shown in the report are for the selected course only.

Polaris recommends that you allow the Course Reserve status to remain Active for a time after the end of the semester to allow reporting and notification from the staff client and the instructor’s PAC patron account.  

Detailed content of the notice and report includes the following information:

Email notices include the following additional elements:

Printed notices include the following additional elements:

The Polaris Language Editor (WebAdmin) is available on your library’s Web server. You must have the system-level System Administration permission WebAdmin access: Allow to use this application. For more information about using the Polaris Language Editor, see online Help for the application.

See also: