Manage Item Blocks at Circulation

At check-out, renewal, or check-in, the Item Blocks dialog box appears if there are any blocks on the item record. You must take action before you can enter the next item barcode.

Occasionally you may encounter an item with a status of On-Order at circulation. If an item has a status of On-Order and it is linked to a purchase order or invoice line item, a message is displayed. You cannot override the block, and you cannot manually change the status in the item record. The item must be received through Polaris Acquisitions before it can circulate.

If an item has a status of On-Order, but it is not linked to a purchase order or invoice line item, no block message is displayed. This may occur in libraries that do not use the Polaris Acquisitions subsystem. You can check the item in, then circulate the item in the usual way. In addition, in the item record, you can change the item from On-Order to certain selected statuses. see Display item record information.

Some circulation item statuses, such as Unavailable or Withdrawn, will prevent an item check-out. In this case you receive an error message, and you must check the item in before you can continue.

To manage item blocks at circulation

  1. Do one of the following actions:
    • To override the blocks and continue the transaction, click Yes or press ENTER.

      At checkout or renewal, you must have the appropriate permissions to override blocks. See Setting Circulation Permissions.

    • To stop the transaction, click No.
    • To open the item record workform, double-click the block text or click Item Record and go to step 2.
  2. Resolve the block as necessary (or exit the workform and click No on the Item Blocks dialog box to stop the transaction):
    1. Select View, Notes and Notices on the Item Record workform to see an item’s notes and blocks.
  3. Note:
    You must have the permission Item record: Modify notes and notices to open this view and delete blocks.

  4. Remove Library assigned or Free text blocks if appropriate, and save the record.

    Item records with a record status of Deleted or Provisional will also prevent a check-out. In this case a special error message will display. The item should probably not be checked out in any case, and may require special handling. it is best to take appropriate steps to manage the item record.