Setting Payment Method Options

When a staff member accepts a payment from a patron, the staff member selects a payment method such as Cash or Check to describe the payment. Use the Payment Methods policy table to display or suppress the following payment method options for use in the staff client:

For example, if you do not use a collection agency, you can suppress this option from display. Additionally, if your library does not have an integrated solution but offers a non-integrated payment option, you can select Credit card - Manual to make this option available in the staff client when taking payments. Libraries that already have an integrated solution will leave the Credit card - Manual option unselected in the Payment Methods table. You can also set the order in which the options are displayed in the payment dialog boxes.

The Credit card - Manual option does not make credit card payments possible from PAC or MPAC.

The payment options you select in the policy table appear in the following situations:

Payment methods can be set from the system, library, and branch organization levels in the Administration Explorer. However, you specify the options for each branch. When you open the table at the system level, you can view and change entries for any branch. At the library level, you can view and change entries for the branches associated with the library. At the branch level, you can view and change entries for the selected branch.

These System Administration permissions are required to modify this table: Access administration: Allow, Access tables: Allow, Modify payment methods table: Allow.

See also: Display or suppress payment methods.