Set Blocks for Patron Record Deletion

To specify when Polaris blocks patron records from automatic or manual deletion:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Parameters folder for the organization, and select the Patron Services tabbed page in the details view.
  2. Double-click Patron delete options to display the Patron Delete Options dialog box, Method tabbed page.
  3. Click the Blocks tab to display the Blocks tabbed page.
  1. Specify the situations that should prevent a record from being deleted:

The Last Activity Date field in the patron record tracks patron activity.
It is updated in the following circumstances:
Staff client: item check-out; renewal; quick-circ item check-out; when a claim is made on an item, when a charge is paid.
PAC: log-in to patron account; placing and modifying hold and ILL requests; online renewal; patron information updates; payments; access to remote databases that require log-in.
Polaris ExpressCheck, SIP self-check units: check-out and renewal; patron account access; payments.
Time and print management applications: log-in.
Inbound telephony: Access account information and renew items.

  1. Click Save on the Patron Delete Options dialog box.