INN-Reach Reports
Polaris libraries that use INN-Reach integration can generate reports to assist in tracking items borrowed or loaned through INN-Reach. These reports are listed under Utilities > Reports and Notices > Circulation > INN-Reach.
Libraries using INN-Reach integration can also use the ILL Report, Unclaimed ILL Items, to list the unclaimed ILL items with a HoldTillDate less than the date on which the report was generated. See: Interlibrary Loan Reports. Another method for finding unclaimed ILL items is to enter a set of SQL search criteria in the Polaris Find Tool. See: Finding Unclaimed ILL Items.
When you select a new report for the first time, you may need to click the Refresh button before the report parameters appear.
INN-Reach Reports for the Polaris Borrowing Library
The library can use the following reports to track items borrowed from other libraries:
- INN-Reach Borrowing In-Transit Too Long - A Polaris borrowing library can use this report to identify INN-Reach ILL items that were shipped from the lending library a specified number of days ago, or more, but have not yet been received. You can set the following parameters:
- Organization - The organization is the branch of the patron who requested the item. Select one or more branches or select <All>.
- Number of days shipped - The number of days since the item was shipped from the lending library and has yet to be received at the borrowing library. For example, if you enter 5 days, the report will include ILL items that were shipped at least 5 days ago from the lending library and still have not been received at the borrowing library.
- Group option - The default selection is Group by Patron Branch which groups the report in tables by the branch of the patron who requested the item. Select Not Grouped by Patron Branch to generate the report without the branch grouping. If Group by Patron Branch is selected, the report is grouped and sorted in tables by the patron branch. The heading Patron Branch: [branch name] appears at the top of each table, and within each table the data appears in the following columns, sorted first by the item location, then by the shipped date (ascending order):
- Item Location - The lending library that owns the item. If the item location is not included in the API message, Not Supplied appears in this column.
- Call Number - The lending library's item call number
- Item Barcode - The lending library's item barcode
- Title - The lending library's item title
- Patron No. - The borrowing patron's ID
- Shipped Date - The date the lending library shipped the item
If Not Grouped by Patron Branch is selected, the same columns appear on the report as in the grouped version with an additional Patron Branch column on the right. The report is sorted first by item location, then by patron branch, and then by the shipped date (ascending).
- INN-Reach Borrowing Received Too Long - A Polaris borrowing library can use this report to identify INN-Reach ILL items that were received a specified number of days ago or more but still remain at the library because the patrons who requested the items have not picked them up. The ILL requests linked to these Received items can have one of the following statuses: Recd-Held, Recd-Satisfied, Recd-Transferred, Recd-Used or Recd-Unused. You can set the following parameters:
- Organization - The organization is the branch the patron selected as the pickup branch for the ILL item when the request was placed in the INN-Reach interface. Select one or more branches or select <All>.
- Number of days received - This is the number of days since the item was received. For example, if you enter 10, the report will include the ILL items that were received at least 10 days ago and still have not been picked up and checked out.
- Group option - The default selection is Grouped by Pickup Branch which groups the report in tables by pickup branch. Select Not Grouped by Pickup Branch to generate the report without the branch grouping. If Grouped by Pickup Branch is selected, the report is grouped and sorted in tables by the pickup branch. Each table is headed by Pickup Branch: [branch name], and within each table the data appears in the following columns, sorted by the received date (ascending):
- Call Number - The lending library's item call number
- Item Barcode - The lending library's item barcode.
- Title - The lending library's item title
- Circ Status - The item's circulation status
- Item Location - The lending library's assigned branch name
- Patron Branch - The branch where the borrowing patron is registered
- Patron No - The borrowing patron's ID
- Received Date - The date the item was received.
- INN-Reach Borrowing Requested Too Long - A Polaris borrowing library can use this report to identify INN-Reach ILL items that have been requested but still have not been received after a specified number of days past the request date (the date the INN-Reach ILL request became Active). You can set the following parameters:
Organization: The organization is the branch of the patron who requested the INN-Reach ILL item from the lending library. Select one or more branches or select <All>.
Number of days requested - This is the number of days since the item was requested. For example, if you enter 10, the report will include the ILL items that were requested 10 days or more before the report was run and still have not been received.
- Group option: - The default selection is Grouped by Patron Branch which groups the report in tables by the branch of the patron who requested the item. Select Not Grouped by Patron Branch to generate the report without the branch grouping. If Grouped by Patron Branch is selected, the report is grouped and sorted in tables by the branch of the patron who requested the item. Each table is headed by Patron Branch: [branch name], and within each table, the data appears in the following columns sorted first by the item agency code, then by the requested date (ascending):
Item Agency Code - The item agency code from the API message
Call Number - The lending library's item call number
Title - The lending library's item title
Patron No. - The borrowing patron's ID
Requested Date - The date the item was requested
- INN-Reach Borrowing Returned Too Long - A Polaris borrowing library can use this report to identify INN-Reach ILL items that have been returned to the lending library but have not been received/checked in. You can set the following parameters:
- Organization: - This is the branch that returned the INN-Reach ILL item to the lending library. Select one or more branches or select <All>.
- Number of days returned: - This is the number of days since the item was returned to the lending library. For example, if you enter 10 days, the report will include INN-Reach ILL items that were returned at least 10 days ago and still have not been received at the lending library.
- Group option: The default selection is Grouped by Returning Branch. Select Not Grouped by Returning Branch to generate the report without the branch grouping. If Grouped by Returning Branch is selected, the report is grouped in tables by the branch that returned the item. Each table is headed by Returning Branch: [branch name], and within each table the data appears in the following columns sorted first by the item location and then by the returned date (ascending):
- Item Location - The lending library that owns the item (item agency - item location from the API message). If the item location is not in the API message, Not supplied appears.
- Call Number - The lending library's item call number
- Item Barcode - The lending library's item barcode
- Title - The lending library's item title
- Patron Branch - The branch where the borrowing patron is registered
- Patron No. - The borrowing patron's ID
- Returned Date - The date the item was returned
If Not Grouped by Returning Branch is selected, the same columns appear as on the grouped report with an additional Returning Branch column on the right. The data is sorted first by the item location and then by the returned date (ascending).
If Not Grouped by Patron Branch is selected, the same columns appear as on the grouped report with an additional Patron Branch column on the right. The report is sorted first by the item agency code, then by patron branch, and then by the requested date (ascending).
INN-Reach Reports for the Polaris Lending Library
These reports can be used to track items loaned to other libraries:
- INN-Reach Lending Institutional Overdues - A Polaris library using INN-Reach integration can generate this report to see items that were loaned to another library and remain overdue for a specified number of days past their due date. You can set the following parameters:
- Organization: - Select one or more branches or select <All> to specify the assigned branches for which you want to see overdue items that were loaned out through INN-Reach.
- Number of days overdue: - This is the number of days past the due date or the number of days that the item has been in an overdue status. For example, if you enter 10 days, the report lists the items that have been overdue for 10 days or more.
- Group option: - The Grouped by Item Location option is the default selection which groups the report in tables by the item's assigned branch. Select Not Grouped by Item Location if you do not want the report grouped. If Grouped by Item Location is selected, the report is grouped and sorted in tables by the name of the item's assigned branch. Each table is headed by Item Location: [branch name], and within each table the data appears in the following columns, sorted first by the patron home library then by the due date (ascending):
- Patron Home Library - The borrowing patron's home library. If the patron's home library is not in the API message, Not Supplied appears.
- Patron No. - The borrowing patron's ID
- Call Number - The lending library's item call number
- Item Barcode - The lending library's item barcode
- Title - The lending library's title
- Due Date - The date the item was due
If you selected Not Grouped by Item Location, the same columns appear on the report as in the grouped version with an additional Item Location column on the right. The report is sorted first by the patron home library, then the due date (ascending).
When the Polaris lending library receives the API message that the item was received at the borrowing library, the item is checked out to the virtual patron and the due date is calculated according to the lending library's circulation policy. Since the due date is based on when the item is received at the borrowing library and not when the patron actually picks up the item, the due date may be earlier than expected. - INN-Reach Lending In-Transit Too Long - This report identifies materials that have been returned in-transit from the borrowing library a specified number of days ago or more, but have not yet been checked back into the lending library. The report is available in the Polaris staff client on the Utilities menu (Reports and Notices > Circulation > INN-Reach). You can set the following parameters:
Organization - The organization is the Assigned Branch of the in-transit items. You can select one, more, or all branches.
- Number of days in-transit - The least number of days since the item was sent in-transit from the borrowing library and has yet to be checked in at the lending system. For example, if you enter 5 days, the report will include items that were put in-transit 5 days ago or more from the borrowing library and still have not been checked in at the lending system.
Item Location headers identify the assigned branch of lending library's item in this report. The primary sort order is Item Location; the secondary sort order is in-transit date (ascending).
Report column headers include the following:
- Item Number - The item record ID from the INN-Reach request
- Call Number - The lending library's item call number
- Item Barcode - The lending library's item barcode
- Title - The lending library's item title
- Patron Home Library - The borrowing patron's library. The Patron Agency Code and the Patron Home Library are concatenated in this column. If no Patron Home Library is supplied in the API message, the report indicates Not Supplied, for example q5rrr-Not Supplied.
- In-Transit Date - The date the borrowing library put the item in-transit
Items from non-local INN-reach requests only are included in this report.
- INN-Reach Lending Paged Too Long - A Polaris lending library can use this report to identify items that are linked to pending INN-Reach requests but have not been pulled from the shelves and shipped out to the borrowing library. You can set the following parameters:
- Organization: - The organization is the item's assigned branch. Select one or more branches or select <All>.
- Number of days paged: - This is the number of days since the date on which the linked hold request was "paged" or updated to Pending. For example, if you enter 10 days, the report will include items linked to INN-Reach requests that were updated to a Pending status at least 10 days ago, but the items have not been shipped out to the borrowing library.
The data in the INN-Reach Paged Too Long report is grouped and sorted in tables by the item location. Each table is headed by Item Location: [assigned branch name], and within each table the data appears in the following columns, sorted by the paged date (ascending):
Item Number - The item record ID from the INN-Reach request
Call Number - The lending library's item call number
Item Barcode - The lending library's item barcode
Title - The lending library's item title
Patron Home Library - This column displays the agency code and the patron home library name. Not Supplied appears if the patron home library is not in the API message.
Paged Date - The date the INN-Reach hold request was updated to a Pending status.
Finding Unclaimed ILL Items
You can generate the Unclaimed ILL Items report, available under Utilities > Reports and Notices > Circulation > ILL to see items that have not been claimed, or you can copy and paste one of the following sets of SQL search criteria into the Find Tool SQL search box:
To see a list of the unclaimed ILL items in the Find Tool search results:
- Select Cataloging > Item Records.
The Find Tool opens with Item Records selected in the Object box.
- Select SQL under Search Mode.
- Select and copy one of the following sets of SQL search criteria depending on whether you want to see just unclaimed INN-Reach ILL items or all unclaimed ILL items:
- SQL search criteria to find only unclaimed INN-Reach ILL items:
polaris.illrequests ill with (nolock)
inner join polaris.innreachrequests inr with (nolock)
on ill.illrequestid = inr.ILLRequestID
illstatusid = 10
and HoldTillDate < getdate()
- SQL search criteria to find all unclaimed ILL items:
polaris.illrequests ill with (nolock)
illstatusid = 10
and HoldTillDate < getdate()
- Paste the copied text in the SQL Search Criteria box in the Find Tool.
- Click Search.
The search results include the ILL items with a HoldTillDate less than the date on which the search was performed.