Integrating New cloudLibrary EContent

The API-driven import process automatically imports the records when eContent titles are purchased from Bibliotheca's cloudLibrary (formerly 3M Cloud Library). Staff members do not launch the import by selecting an import profile; the automatic import process uses the settings in the import profile selected in the cloudLibrary Vendor Account workform.

Once the library implements the components necessary to enable the integration, and the API-driven import process is up and running, the library purchases the cloudLibrary eContent, and the bibliographic records are imported automatically.

Automatic Import Profile Selected in the cloudLibrary Vendor Account

The Integrated ebook Bibs PolarisExec import profile, which is selected by default in the cloudLibrary Vendor Account workform, is set up to enable eContent integration for automatic imports. Since this is a PolarisExec read-only import profile, you cannot modify the settings, but you can copy and rename the profile. After saving the import profile with a different name, you can change the settings. If you rename the profile to use for automatic importing, the renamed import profile must be selected in the cloudLibrary Vendor Account workform.

Since the automatic import relies on specific settings, consult with your Polaris site manager before selecting an import profile other than the Integrated ebook Bibs profile, which is selected by default in the cloudLibrary Vendor Account workform.

If you rename and modify the Integrated ebook Bibs import profile, the following settings must be retained:



