Polaris Permission Groups - Default Permissions Reference

The following table lists the permissions initially assigned to the default permission groups. The permissions are granted for all organizations in your Polaris installation. You can change any of the permissions for the default groups. For more information about working with permissions and groups, see Granting Permissions.

The default permission groups are offered as a convenient way to manage permissions, but they do not include all possible permissions, and they are not updated with new permissions when you install new releases of Polaris. If you use the Polaris default groups, be sure to add the appropriate permissions to the groups.

Permission Group Name Permission Type Initial Permissions

Cannot be deleted. Membership in this group should be limited to Polaris administrators.


(All permissions at all organizations)

Polaris Circulation Clerk -
Basic front desk tasks.

Access circulation control

• Allow

Access patron services

• Allow

Access hold request manager

• Allow

Access reports and notices

• Allow

Fines: waive fines at circ

• Allow

Modify due date and time

• Allow

Modify hold queues

• Allow

Patron Registration

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Override blocks to delete

Patron Status

• Access

• Access notice history

• Access patron account

• Access patron account: transaction summary

• Create/delete patron blocks

• Display associations

• Display claimed items

• Display hold request list

• Display items checked-out

• Display notes

• Display patron blocks

• Display reader services

• Modify patron account

Renew items

• Allow

Polaris Serials Clerk -
Receive and process serials.

Access serials

• Allow

Serial Issues/Standing Order Parts

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

• Check-in

• Uncheck-in

Create a bib record from Acquisitions and Serials

• Allow

Polaris Serials Manager -
Set up serials and subscriptions, as well as do all tasks of the Polaris Serials Clerk.

Access serials

• Allow

Serial Issues/Standing Order Parts

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

• Check-in

• Uncheck-in

Serial holdings records

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete


• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

Create a bib record from Acquisitions and Serials

• Allow

Polaris Ordering Staff -
Create purchase orders.

Access acquisitions

• Allow

Bibliographic records

• Access

Create a bib from Acquisitions and Serials

• Allow

Fiscal Years

• Access


• Access

Purchase Orders

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

• Print purchase orders

• Print workslips

Selection Lists

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete


• Access

Polaris Invoicing Staff -
Receive shipments from vendors.

Access acquisitions

• Allow

Bibliographic records

• Access

Create a bib from Acquisitions and Serials

• Allow

Fiscal Years

• Access


• Access


• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

• Pay, Undo payment, Credit

• Print vouchers

Purchase Orders

• Access

• Modify

Serial Issues/Standing Order Part

• Access

• Modify


• Access

Polaris Acquisitions Collection Development -
Request the purchase of material using selection lists.

Access acquisitions

• Allow

Selection Lists

• Access

Selection list line item segments

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

Bibliographic records

• Access


• Access

Polaris Acquisitions Manager -
Authorize purchase order release and payment of invoices, and do maintenance on all acquisitions records.

Access acquisitions

• Allow

Bibliographic records

• Access

Create a bib from Acquisitions and Serials

• Allow

Fiscal Years

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete


• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

• Transfer money between funds


• Access

• Adjust

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

• Print vouchers

• Pay, Undo payment, Credit

Purchase Orders

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

• Print purchase orders

• Print workslips

• Release, receive, cancel, close PO

• Release order exceeding fund encumbrance limits

• Release order resulting in negative free balance

• Send electronic purchase orders

Selection list line item segments

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

Selection Lists

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

• Approve/Reject


• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

Polaris Bib Full Cataloger -
Original cataloging.

Access cataloging subsystem

• Allow

Access item record bulk change

• Allow

Authority records

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete/Undelete

Authority templates

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

Bibliographic records

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete/Undelete

Bibliographic templates

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

Cataloging record sets

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

Create a bib record from the item or item template

• Allow

Import bibliographic, item, and authority records

• Allow

Item records

• Access

• Create

• Delete/Undelete

• Modify header

• Modify cataloging view

• Modify source and acquisitions view

• Modify reserves view

Item templates

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete

Use ‘own’ cataloging record sets

• Allow

Use ‘own’ authority templates

• Allow

Use ‘own’ bibliographic templates

• Allow

Use ‘own’ item templates

• Allow

Polaris Bib Copy Cataloger

Access cataloging subsystem

• Allow

Bibliographic records

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete/Undelete

Bibliographic templates

• Access

Item records

• Access

• Create

• Delete/Undelete

• Modify cataloging view

• Modify header

• Modify history view

• Modify reserves view

• Modify source and acquisition view

Polaris Item Cataloger -
Process new items.

Access cataloging subsystem

• Allow

Bibliographic records

• Access

Item records

• Access

• Bulk change

• Create

• Delete/Undelete

• Modify cataloging view

• Modify header

• Modify history view

• Modify reserves view

• Modify source and acquisition view

Item templates

• Access

Polaris Authority Control Cataloger-
Maintain authority control for the catalog database.

Access cataloging subsystem

• Allow

Authority records

• Access

• Create

• Modify

• Delete/Undelete

Authority templates

• Access

Bibliographic records

• Access