Polaris PowerPAC and MuseGlobal Federated Search - Overview

Polaris PowerPAC provides federated searching, which enables users to simultaneously search multiple diverse and distributed target resources and retrieve merged search results. Polaris provides federated searching of Z39.50 databases at no additional cost. Or, libraries can purchase a subscription for the MuseGlobal service, which provides access to external databases that use many different kinds of search protocols (Z39.50 and many others). While MuseGlobal provides search access, connectors and URLs that conform to OpenURL, all searching is conducted using the PowerPAC search interface.

Although staff members can search multiple databases in the Polaris staff client, the results are not merged. If a link resolver is required, the library must purchase it from a third party.

See also:

Search Protocols

Federated searching in Polaris, combined with the MuseGlobal service, can use the following types of search protocols:

Since the Polaris PowerPAC can search remote Z39.50 database targets without MuseGlobal, your library may decide to use MuseGlobal only when the source cannot be searched using Z39.50.

Search Targets and Search Results

With federated searching in Polaris using the MuseGlobal service, the following types of targets can typically be searched (providing the MuseGlobal service has established a connector for the database):

When search results are returned from the remote federated databases, duplicate detection is not performed. The results are sorted by relevancy, and PowerPAC users can select facets to narrow the search.