Set the Find Tool SQL permission blocks override

A staff member’s ability to use the Find Tool SQL mode is controlled by three permissions:

A staff member who has only access permission to the SQL search mode receives a permission block message when attempting save, modify, or delete an SQL search. You can allow a supervisory staff member to override the permission block. To allow a staff member to override the SQL permission block. You must set this profile for individual staff members.

  1. Display the staff member record in the Administration Explorer. See List staff members in the Explorer.
  2. In the Explorer tree view, select Profiles under the staff member folder, and select the Staff Client tab in the details view.
  3. Double-click Find Tool: Override SQL search blocks, and select an option:

When this profile is set to Yes for a staff member, that staff member must also have the permissions they are overriding.

  1. Select File > Save.

To see the effects of your changes in the staff client, exit the staff client and log back in.

See also: Granting Permissions.