Set parameters and profiles from a workform

To set parameters and profiles from an administration record workform:

  1. Use one of the following methods to open the Polaris Find Tool:

The Polaris Find Tool opens.

  1. Search for the administration record.
  2. Right-click the record in the results list, and select Open from the context menu. The appropriate workform appears.
  3. To display parameters, select View > Parameters, and select a category. The parameters for the selected category display in the Parameters view of the workform.

You can also click the Parameters icon ParametersIcon.gif to display the Parameters list in the workform. Then click SelectCategory.gif above the list, and select a parameters category.

  1. To display profiles, select View > Profiles and select a category.

You can click CTRL+G to cycle through the workform views, or click the Profiles icon ProfilesIcon.gif to display the Profiles list in the workform. Then click  above the list, and select a profiles category.

The Profiles view of the workform displays the category’s profiles.

  1. Double-click the setting you want to change. The field or a dialog box opens.
  2. Change the setting by typing new values or selecting options.

To reset the field to the last saved value, press ESC.

  1. To close a field, do one of the following actions:
  1. To close a dialog box, click OK.
  2. Select File > Save to save the changes. Record(s) saved appears in the status bar.

To see the effects of your changes in the staff client application, exit the staff client application and log back in.