Enable Titles to Go for your suppliers

To enable Titles to Go at your suppliers’ sites:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, expand the organization’s folder.
  2. Select Profiles and select the Acquisitions/Serials tab.


  1. Double-click Titles to Go to open the Titles to Go dialog box.


  1. Select the supplier in the list, and select Enable.

Make sure the SAN in the Supplier Record workform matches the one in the SAN box in this profile. See Create a new supplier record.

if you change a supplier’s configuration details and make an error, select Revert to go back to the original configuration details.

  1. Type the authentication information in the Username > Password and Account boxes. The required authentication information varies by supplier.

Baker & Taylor (B&T) uses the account number in the linked Supplier record in addition to the account number you enter in the Titles to Go profile.

  1. Click OK.

Titles to Go is enabled for the supplier you specified.