Add the Claiming Criteria for a Supplier

You must set up the claiming criteria in the supplier record before any items can be claimed.

The claiming criteria in the supplier record are copied to the purchase order templates, purchase orders, and purchase order line items that use this supplier. You can change the claiming criteria in the purchase order template, purchase order, or purchase order line item. You can also set up suppliers for serials, and specify serials claiming options.

To add the claiming criteria for the supplier.

For more information on claiming, see Claiming.

  1. Open the Supplier workform - Claims view.
  2. Type the number (1-5) in the Maximum claims box to indicate the number of claims the library will submit to the supplier before canceling an ordered item.
  3. In the days after release/expected arrival box, type the number of days between the time a purchase order line item is released to the time the first claim is generated.

If you are entering serials claiming criteria, enter the number of days between the time the serial issue is expected and the time the first claim is generated.

  1. Enter the claim cycle information as follows:
    1. Type a number in the 1st claim box to indicate the number of days that must pass after the first claim is generated before the second claim is generated.
    2. Type a number in the 2nd claim box to indicate the number of days that must pass after the second claim is generated before the third claim is generated.
    3. Type a number in the 3rd claim box to indicate the number of days that must pass after the third claim is generated before the fourth claim is generated.
    4. Type a number in the 4th claim box to indicate the number of days that must pass after the fourth claim is generated before the fifth claim is generated.
  2. Select the Cancel notice box to generate a cancellation notice.
  3. Select the Claim notice box to generate a claim notice.
  4. Select the method by which to send notices in the Notice Method box. This notice method is used if you specify Supplier Preference in the notices options in Polaris Administration. See Set up notification methods, e-mail options, and export location.

The cancellation information is not applicable for serials issues. You would cancel or not renew the entire subscription, not a specific issue. You can enter additional claiming information in the Serial Holdings Record. See Claiming in Serials.

  1. Select Auto cancel to cancel purchase order line items automatically after the claim cycle is over.
  2. Type a number in the Cancel wait period box to indicate the number of days to wait after the last claim is sent out before canceling items ordered from this supplier.
  3. Select File > Save to save the record.

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