Add the Supplier’s Address

You can add the supplier’s address information for sending orders, payments, or claims on the Orders, Payments, or Claims view of the Supplier workform. You can enter different addresses if the supplier has separate addresses for orders, payments, and claims. If the address is the same, you can enter it once and copy it to the other views.

To add the supplier’s address information for sending orders, payments, and claims:

Tip: PAsuppliers00262.gif
Click to display the Orders view.

  1. Create the supplier record (see Create a new supplier record).
  2. Select View > Orders to display the Orders view.
  3. Type the supplier’s name and street address in the Send orders to box.

You can copy the address information from one view to another. See Copy the supplier’s address.

  1. Select the country in the Country box.

The city, county, and state fields are filled in automatically from the postal code. If you have permission to modify the postal address (Modify postal address fields) you can enter the city, county, and state as well as the postal code.

  1. Type the postal code in the Postal Code box.
  2. Type the contact person’s name in the Contact box.
  3. Type the supplier’s e-mail address in the Email address box.
  4. Type the supplier’s phone number in the Phone no. box.
  5. Type the supplier’s fax number in the Fax no. box.
  6. Type the discount percentage that the supplier offers your library in the Discount applied box.

This discount percentage is applied to all purchase orders using this supplier, but it can be changed in the purchase order. If you change the discount percentage in the supplier record and save the record, a message lists any linked purchase order templates and asks if you want to update the discount percentage in these templates. Click Yes to update all the linked templates.

  1. Enter the supplier’s address information for sending payments and claims on the Payments view and the Claims view using one of the following methods:
    • If the address is the same as the order address, click Copy to, and copy the order address to the payment or claims address. See Copy the supplier’s address.
    • If the address is different from the order address, enter the new address.
  2. (Optional) If Polaris Acquisitions is integrated with a financial system, enter an identifying number of up to 30 characters in the External ID field.
  3. Select File > Save to save the record.