Link an Invoice to Another Invoice

To link an invoice to another invoice:

  1. Open the Invoice workform.
  2. Select Tools > Link Invoice from the menu or click .
  3. The Link Invoices dialog box appears.

  4. Link to a new or existing invoice as follows:
    • To link the invoice to a new invoice, click New.
    • The New Linked Invoice dialog box appears.

    • Type the number and number suffix in the Invoice no and Suffix boxes.
    • The Invoice date defaults to the present date, but you can click on the calendar icon and change the date. See Using Date Pickers.
    • Select the library branch in the Owner box.
    • Select the invoice type in the Invoice type box.
    • Select the payment method in the Payment box.
    • The supplier for the new linked invoice is the same as the supplier in the invoice you are linking from. To select a different supplier, click Find and search for the supplier using the Find Tool.

    To link to a miscellaneous invoice that does not have a supplier, you must first create the miscellaneous invoice and then link to it.

  5. Click OK to complete the link.
    • To link to an existing invoice, click Find. The Find Tool appears.

    If you know the number of the invoice you want to link to, type the number in the Invoice box and press ENTER.

  6. Search for the existing invoice, and select it. The Linked Invoices dialog box appears with the invoice you selected in the Destination box.
  7. Click OK to complete the link.
  8. The Invoice workform for the original invoice appears with the message Link completed successfully in the status bar. The Linked invoices note remains in the status bar for any invoice that is linked to other invoices.

  9. To go to the new or existing invoice to which you linked the original invoice, click Links > Invoices.