Copy an Invoice to Create a New Invoice

To create a new invoice by copying an existing invoice:

  1. Open the Invoice workform.
  2. Select File > New.
  3. The New Invoice dialog box appears.

  4. Select one of the following options:
    • Copy Existing Workform to copy the information to a new invoice workform.
    • Clear Workform to clear the contents of the workform and reset any default data.
  5. Click OK to continue the process.
  6. The Invoice workform appears with the same number as the invoice you copied.

    All invoice workform information is copied except for invoice line items, payment history, check and/or voucher date and number, invoice status (the new status is Open), and invoice status date (the new status date is today’s date).

  7. Type a different number for the invoice in the Invoice no box.
  8. Select File > Save to save the new invoice.