Secure and Release Patron Records

If you have the required Polaris permission, Patron record: Secure, you can set a patron record to a "secured" status in Leap so that the patron is restricted from most library activity. In addition, secured patron records cannot be deleted. To allow a secured patron to resume library activities, you must have the permission, Patron record: Release.

To set a patron's record to a secured status and then release the record

  1. Open a patron record, and select REGISTRATION.

The Patron record > Registration view appears.

  1. Select SECURE.

If the patron's record cannot be secured, a message appears.

If a patron record has been secured to prevent library activity, the information icon appears in red . When you select the icon, the information box displays Record secured: mm/dd/yyy am/pm. You can move among the different views of a secured patron record, but no actions can be taken except copying the patron record. Items can be checked in for secured patrons, but no other circulation activity is possible.

You can search for secured patrons in the Leap Find Tool with the limiter Patron record is secured, values Yes or No. In the patron Find Tool results list, a red exclamation point next to the patron’s barcode indicates the patron record is secured.

If a staff member scans a barcode for a secured patron record or selects a secured patron from the Find Tool results list, a message displays: This record is secured; no changes can be made.

  1. To release a secured patron record so that library activity can resume, go to the Registration view of a secured patron record, and select RELEASE.

The RELEASE button appears only if the patron record is secured and you have the permission to release secured patron records.