View and Reorder Hold Requests in the Holds Queue

You can use the Holds Queue to view hold requests arranged from the oldest hold request to the most recent. If you have the Circulation permission Modify hold requests: Allow, you can change the order in which a hold request is filled by moving its position in the queue.

To view and change the order of holds requests in the Holds Queue

You can also select LINKS > HOLDS QUEUE from the Bibliographic Record or Item Record to open the Holds Queue.

  1. Select Utilities > Holds Queue.

The Find Tool opens with Bibliographic Record selected.

  1. Search for and select the title for which you want to view hold requests.

The Holds Queue workform opens.

  1. To filter the list, start typing in the Filter holds box.

The list immediately responds displaying the rows that have text matching the characters entered.

  1. To change the order in which a request is filled, select the checkbox next to the hold request, and select the Up, Down, Top, or Bottom button.

The hold request's position changes in the queue.