Close and Reopen a Publication Pattern

To close a publication pattern

  1. Go to the Serial Holdings Record (SHR) workform > Details View.

  2. Select the checkbox beside a row in the Publication Patterns table.

    Publication patterns must have a status of Open before they can be closed.

  3. Select CLOSE PATTERN above the table.

    Select the checkbox beside the row and Close Pattern

    A Pattern Date dialog opens.

  4. Ensure the start and end dates are correct.

  5. Select CONTINUE.

    The system deletes any issues that are linked to the pattern, with a status of Expected, and a chronology date later than the end date.

To reopen a publication pattern

  1. Go to the Serial Holdings Record (SHR) workform > Details View.

  2. Select the checkbox beside a row in the Publication Patterns table.

    Publication patterns must have a status of Closed before they can be reopened.

  3. Select REOPEN PATTERN above the table.

    A Reopen Publication Pattern dialog opens.

  4. Ensure the start and end dates are correct.

  5. Select CONTINUE.

    The pattern's status changes to Open.