Setting Leap Options in Polaris Administration
Polaris Administration permissions control access to the Leap application and the actions staff members can perform in Leap. Many Polaris Administration parameters, profiles, and tables used to set up and administer the Polaris staff client are also used in Leap. Some profiles apply to Leap only. The Workstation-level Leap parameters can be set to configure a Leap workstation where the Polaris staff client is not installed so that a media dispenser unit and/or RFID can be used with a local security manager. For more information on the Polaris Administration settings that affect Leap, see the topic Polaris Leap Administration in the Polaris staff client Help.
ECommerce in Leap
If your library has the appropriate licenses, and either EnvisionWare or Comprise has been enabled as the payments gateway in Polaris Administration, you can accept credit card payments from the following Leap workforms:
- Patron Record > Account view - Pay charges.
- Patron Record > Items out view - Declare lost and pay for lost item; Pay for renewal if your library charges for check-outs and renewals; Pay for an overdue or chargeable item at renewal.
- Check Out - If your library charges for check-outs, pay at check-out.
- Check In - Pay for a billed or lost item at check-in.
- Check In - Pay an overdue fine for an item at check-in.
- Item Record - Check in an overdue item and pay the fine.
- Patron Registration - Pay registration fee, if your library charges to register new patrons.
When you select Pay and select Credit Card from Method drop-down list box, the Credit Card Payment dialog appears. The Fine amount appears, and if your library includes a processing fee, the amount appears in the Processing fee box. The total amount also appears. You can add an optional note.
Media Dispenser Circulation
You can use Leap for circulating media from an integrated media dispenser. The media dispenser interacts with Leap using the Media Dispenser parameter settings in Polaris Administration. DVDs can be queued in the media dispenser from Leap if your library is licensed for the media dispenser unit, and the Enable checkbox is checked in the Media Dispenser Settings parameter (Staff Client, SelfCheck Unit.) In addition, the location of the unit is printed on the receipt if the Include dispenser unit locations on printed receipt box is checked.
Leap User Interface Customization
In addition to the Polaris Administration options, you can use the Polaris Web Admin language editor tool to customize language strings in the application at the System, Library, or Branch level, including: the quote that appears on the opening page; button and field labels; and messages. When the strings are edited, the new labels and messages appear after the user logs out and then back in to Leap. For more information, see the Polaris Web Admin Tool Guide.
Cached Administration Settings
To minimize the number of times Leap checks Polaris Administration settings, the following organization, workstation, and staff user settings are cached in the browser's local storage:
The cache is cleared when you sign into the Leap application, you can manually clear the cache by selecting Clear Cache under your user name.
- Patron Services parameter settings for the organization
- Free days (normal)
- Free days (bulk)
- Distributed waives
- Credit for overpayment
- Check-out Receipt Options - Prompt for eReceipt configuration in Leap
- Due date truncated: prompt (yes/no)
- End-of-term due date options
- Consortium circulation: Due date calculation (System Level)
- Last use patron display
- Cataloging parameter settings for the organization
- Item record history display assigned branch
- Item record history display patron ID
- Bibliographic record do not overlay feature enabled
- Leap parameter setting for the workstation
- RFID: Use local security manager
- Default view of the Check In workform set by the staff user in either Leap or the Polaris staff client
- Username > Settings > Workform User Default - Leap user setting
- View > Save Current View as User Default - Check In workform setting in the staff client
As new features are added to Leap, additional Administration values may be cached.