Delete an ILL Request
You can delete an ILL request from the ILL Request workform or the ILL view of the Patron Record workform. The ILL request must have a status of Inactive, Cancelled, or Returned to be deleted.
The following Polaris Circulation permission is required to delete an ILL request:
ILL Requests: Delete
Delete an ILL Request from the ILL Request Workform
To delete an ILL request from the ILL Request workform
- Open the ILL Request workform for the request you want to delete.
- Select ACTIONS > Delete.
This menu option is available only for requests with a status of Inactive, Cancelled, or Returned.
Delete an ILL Request from the Patron Record Workform
To delete an ILL request from the Patron Record workform
- Open the Patron Record workform for the patron who placed the request.
- Select the ILL tab (or if the ILL tab is not visible, select More > ILL) to go to the ILL view.
- Select the checkbox next to the ILL request you want to delete.
- Select Delete.
This button is available only when you have selected an ILL request with a status of Inactive, Cancelled, or Returned.
Delete ILL Process
When the request is deleted, the following processing occurs:
- If the status of the request is Inactive or Cancelled, no other records are linked so only the ILL request is deleted.
- If the status of the request is Returned, the linked item and brief bibliographic records are deleted. If a Returned ILL request's linked item has a fee attached to it, a dialog appears.