Copy an Existing Patron Record
You can copy a patron's registration information when registering a new patron who has similar information, such as a family member. The fields in the Name on Identification section and gender are not copied.
Leap copies the following values and settings to the new patron record:
Profile view
- Last name
- First name
- Middle name
- Title
- Suffix
- Registered Branch
- Patron Code
- Expiration Date
- Birth Date
Attributes view
All field values are copied if defined: five user-defined fields (UDFs) and the patron custom data fields (PCDFs) the library uses.
Email view
- Email Address
- Alt Email Address
Addresses view
- All addresses
- Address Check Date
Phone/fax view
- Phone 1,2,3
Notification Settings view
All field values and settings are copied.
Preferences view
All field values and settings are copied.
To copy a patron's registration
- Open the patron record that you want to copy.
- Select REGISTRATION to go to the Registration view.
- Select COPY.
Leap copies the patron record and displays it on a new Patron Registration page.
- Enter the patron's name, barcode, and other information.
- Select SAVE to save the new patron record.