View or Edit a Fund
You can use Leap to manage the fund record.
View a Fund Record
To get to the Fund workform
Find the fund record you want to edit, and open it in the Fund workform.
You can use the Fund workform to manage the fund, its balances, and its transfers.
Edit a Fund Record
To edit fund information
Go to the Fund workform.
Enter or edit information in some or all of the fields in the following fund record views:
The Funds workform starts with header information. From the header, you can select the fiscal year name to open the Fiscal Year workform. You can view funds properties by hovering your cursor over the i.
You can use the menus and link in the header to do the following:
Delete the Fund - select Actions > Delete.
Return to the fiscal year - select the linked fiscal year name.
To edit the Funds details
External Name - Enter the public name of the fund or the name used for the fund in an external system.
Type - Select the type of fund: Deposit Account, Donation, or Regular.
If you select the Donation fund type, you must enter the name of the donor or donor organization on the Donor view of the Fund workform. -
Owner - Select the owner of the fund from the list.
Funding Source - Enter where the money comes from.
Transfers - Select if you want to allow transfers to or from other funds within the same fiscal period.
Display - Select if you want the fund to appear in fund lists. If you clear this option, users are unable to select the fund to pay for materials, but you can open the fund in the Fund workform.
Note - Enter a note to library staff.
The History view allows you to view a history of all the transactions for the fund. Leap displays the transactions in a sortable and filterable table. The table has controls on the bottom row that allow you to select how Leap displays the table.
To interact with the transaction table
Filter the items in the table - Use the Filter field to limit the number of rows of line items that you see in the table.
When you filter items, you filter the entire table, not just the page you see. -
Sort the table by column heading - Use the arrow in the header line of each column to sort rows in ascending or descending order.
When you sort items in the table, you sort the entire table, not just the page you see. -
Select the number of items per page - Use the Items per page list at the bottom of the table to select the number of items to display in each page.
Navigate through pages - Select the arrows beside the Items per page list at the bottom of the table to navigate forward and backward in the pages of the table.
The Fund Balances view allows you to view the fund allocations and totals, and allows you to edit the fund limits. The fields in this view are editable according to the fund status and the fund type, refer to the following table for editable fields by fund status and type:
Fund Status Fund Type Editable Fields in Balances View Open Donation, Regular Encumbrance Limits: Line Item Cannot Exceed, Orders Cannot Exceed, Fund Cannot Exceed
Expenditure/Debit Limits: Line Item Cannot Exceed, Invoices Cannot Exceed, Fund Cannot Exceed, Exceed Free Balance By
Open Deposit Account Expenditure/Debit Limits: Line Item Cannot Exceed, Invoices Cannot Exceed, Fund Cannot Exceed Encumbrances Closed Donation, Regular Encumbrance Limits: Line Item Cannot Exceed, Orders Cannot Exceed, Fund Cannot Exceed
Expenditure/Debit Limits: Line Item Cannot Exceed, Invoices Cannot Exceed, Fund Cannot Exceed, Exceed Free Balance By
Encumbrances Closed Deposit Account Expenditure/Debit Limits: Line Item Cannot Exceed, Invoices Cannot Exceed, Fund Cannot Exceed Closed Donation, Regular, Deposit Account None -
Set Encumbrance Limits to trigger warning messages during acquisitions processing if any of the following exceed the specified amount:
Line Item
Set Expenditure/Debit Limits to trigger warning messages during acquisitions processing if any of the following exceed the specified amount:
Line Item
Free Balance
The Donor view in the Fund workform is where you can record and view all the information about the donor of a fund. The fields in the donor view are editable only if the Fund Status is "Open" or "Encumbrances closed" and the Fund Type is "Donation".
When you release a purchase order that uses a donor fund and create on-order items, the donor information is copied to the Source and Acquisition view of the Item Record workform. When you pay for the order, the donor funds and the items that were purchased using the donor funds are listed in the Items by Donor Fund Report. For more information, search the Polaris staff client help for "Acquisitions Reports".-
Select the type of donation in the Fund Category list.
Fund categories are defined in the Polaris staff client. For more information, search the Polaris staff client help for "Polaris Administration". -
Select the date when the fund is renewed in the Renewal Date field.
Enter the name of the donor or the Donor Organization.
Enter the Contact information for the donor.
Type Donor Notes.
Select SAVE.